What kind of ambience can Chinese Furniture help to create?
1. 华丽:
Chinese Furniture made of materials of rare woods coupled with exceedingly delicate carvings will exude an air of classical grandeur and beauty.
1 2. 朴实:
古旧而朴素的民间家具,引领您回归初心,再重新出发。走过繁华俗世, 回到清风淡雅的洒脱。
Old and simple domestic furniture used by the common folks promise to deliver you from your humdrum and gaudy environment back to the simplicity and carefree early day life of our forebears.
1 3. 文化:
中国地域广,民俗文化丰富; 家具也具有不同的文化特色; 福建的描金雕刻, 西藏,蒙古的彩绘,苏式家具的细腻雕花,山西漆木家具的实在等等,讲述着他们的人文时代背景。体现出您热爱文化艺术的品味。
The vastness of China with her great variety of provincial and ethnic cultures has spawned a wide range of indigenous furniture, e.g. The gold-gild carving of Fujian Furniture, the colorfully painted furniture of Tibet and Mongolia, the delicately carved flower patterns of Suzhou Furniture,The lacquered furniture of Shanxi and etc. They all reflect unique characteristics of their respective cultural background and the period in history.
1 4. 典雅:
中国美学中的疏而不空,满而不溢,在人与物间留白,成了中式哲学的精义。中国家具的简约线条; 直而刚,曲有度, 展现了这种典雅的气质。
Classical Elegance:
In Chinese perception of beauty,simplicity without conveying a sense of emptiness is the key. In furnishing, it is therefore essential to ensure sufficient space is allowed for between human and material things. In keeping with the essence of Chinese philosophy traditional Chinese Furniture design emphasizes simplicity - Straight line must be strong and bend line stylish, the two harmonized to project an air of simple elegance.