从认识旧家具开始,去启发生活。 Antique Furniture leads us to the inspiration of life.

Tibetan Style Furniture 中国家具之藏式家具

The severity of highlands climate coupled with the lack of natural resources have resulted in Tibetans' constant pursuit for spiritual fulfilment. This has in turn given Tibetan culture its uniqueness.


 Tibetans love to use vivid colours to paint religious totems legends and symbols on building and furniture. The paintings normally reflect their life expectations.
藏族喜欢把宗教图腾和历史传说,用鲜艳的色彩,描绘在家具上和建筑上。 这代表了他们对人生的期盼。

Eight Auspicious Symbols 藏传八吉祥 :

1.白海螺 The Conch Shell :
It is believed that conch shell can produce a beautiful sounds like Buddha’s speaking, also can bring good fortune.
2.莲花 The Lotus :
 Lotus is the symbol of purity. Lotus grows in swamps stemming from mud but not defiled.
 出污泥而不染, 是圣洁的象征。
3.宝伞 The Umbrella :
 Symbol of the pritection, the shelters of masses.
 表示张弛自如, 保护众生。
4. 法轮 The Wheel :
 It is turning wheel never stops, the emblem of birth and death : which indicates that life can exist  forever.

5. 白盖 The Canopy:

    It is the symbol of the helpfrom Buddha, it can help the masses out of poor and disease.
6. 宝瓶 The Vase :

    The emblem of knowledge and achievement and virtue.
表示福智圆满, 喻为成功和名利。
7. 双鱼 The Fish

    Usually in pairs, it is the symbol of strength, happiness and so is also believed it can get rid of evils.
8. 吉祥结 The Endless Knot :

    It is the symbol of longevity and also indicating the mysteries to the universe.
 Tibetan domestic utensils are not only tools but also cultural symbols.

 Tibetans in general are sitting on the ground or on the platform. That is why Tibetan furniture have no chairs and their furniture consists of boxes, cabinets and tables.
The strong ethnic colours of Tibetans are both mysterious and attractive particularly to city folks longing for spiritual escapade.
In the context of modern design in interior decoration Tibetan Furniture has become a fashionable item.


Tibetan Furnitures are available in our showroom



Home Accessories 家居饰品 1512

香薰炉 - 冥想如来  Incense Burner - Tathagata

Code Number : HA 151201
Size : H 10cm x W 11cm
材质 Meterial:紫砂哥窑 Ceramic
价格 Price : RM 160

香薰安神, 坐定如来,禅意沉着

沙发中式靠垫  - 眉约秋音 Chinese Style Cushion - Autumn Bird

Code Number : HA 151202
Size : 45cm x 45cm
材质 Meterial : 棉麻 Cotton and Linen
价格 Price : RM 48  / pc (件)

温文儒雅 , 鸟语花香 , 雅致点缀

门帘 - 鸟趣  Door Curtain

Code Number : HA 151203
Size : 88cm x 90cm
材质Meterial:棉麻 Cotton & Linen
价格 Price :RM 98

餐垫 桌旗( 组合) - 仲夏荷塘  Placemats & Table Flag - Summer Lotus

Code Number : HA 151204
Side : Table Flag ( 1 pc ) : 34cm x 190cm
          Placemat (4 pcs ): 28cm x 40cm
Meterial : 棉麻  Cotton & Linen
Price : RM  310 ( set ) 
            Table Flag : RM 118
             Placemat : RM 58 / pc


餐垫 - 年年有余 Mat - Fish 

Code Number : HA 151205
Size : 27cm x 38cm ( Red )( Blue )
Meterial : Fabric Cotton
Price : RM 30 / pc


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有兴趣者 , 欢迎留言

摸索 Exploring

开始做每件事时,都有个摸索期。这期间,要不断的尝试失败, 挫折,修正和耐心。

现在我开始摸索的做着这网页,真的是一头雾水, 搞不清楚许多功能与链接。 希望我很快能把这网页做得更完善。

回想起我刚入中国古董家具这行时,同样的也搞不清新或旧, 木头和特色 。觉得这类家具背后有很大的学问,这包括了了解工艺手法,木头种类和历史人文。家具与人的生活有着密切的关系,因此它反映了当时人们的时代背景, 文化和价值观。因为中国的历史悠久,地理人文丰富, 使得中国家具赋予更多的深度与情怀, 带给现代的我们惊喜, 赞叹, 启发和探索的乐趣。 我每天窝在店里的这堆家具中, 遨游于跨越时空的想象空间。不知喜爱古董家具的你,也有同感呢?


Embarking on a new journey there is inevitably a period of exploration. During this period utmost patience is required in order to withstand the many trials and errors before reaching the final destination.

 I am beginning to explore what this web page can offer. At present I am some what confused. I am not sure about the many applications and connectivites. But I hope I will soon be able to do a good job by presenting a comprehensive web page.

 Recalling when I first got involved with Chinese Furnitures, I was similarly in a  state of confusion--not able to distinguish between new and old, the different  kinds of woods and their characteristics. By and by I came to realise behind Chinese Furnitures there is much to be learnt. The scope is extensive. It includes an appreciation of the craftsmanships, knowledge of the materials ( variety of woods ) , history and culture. Domestic Furnitures are inseparable from the every day life of human beings. Consequently they reflect the historical backgrounds, cultures and values.
The long history of China and its rich demography result in great diversity and profound beauty in Chinese Period Furnitures. They bring to us surprise admiration inspiration and immense delight in wanting to explore deeper into the subject. Surrounded by whole shop full of beautiful furnitures my mind is often set racing down the dim alley of the colourful and mysterious past . I am wondering whether those of you who love Chinese Furnitures have had similar experience?

 Therefore, I decide to open up this blog so as to share with all of you the joy of exploring the wonderful things about Chinese period Furniture.